Blanket Orders

Use the Blanket Order maintenance function to create, edit, or process blanket orders.

  • Click the New button to open a blank blanket order.
    • A new Blanket No will appear.
    • If you use multicurrency, the currency assigned to the customer for which you are entering a blanket order determines the blanket order’s currency. That is, blanket order amounts are always entered in the customer’s currency. If applicable, use the Base Currency check box that appears when you select a customer that uses a currency other than the base currency to view or enter blanket order amounts in your company’s base currency.

    • Select a Blanket Type for the order:
      • The Amount type will create a blanket order for a set amount of money.
      • The On Demand type will create a blanket order to be filled as needed without a predetermined schedule of shipments or a specified currency amount.
      • The Scheduled type will create a blanket order to be filled on a scheduled basis.
    • If you are creating an Amount type of blanket order, enter the specific amount for the blanket order in the Contract Amount field. If you are creating an On Demand or Scheduled type of blanket order, the Contract Amount field will be read-only and will display a sum of the prices, freight, and miscellaneous values for the line items you enter for the blanket order.
  • Use the Release button on the toolbar to open the Release Blanket Orders function. This will allow you to release the blanket order currently displayed on your screen to make a Sales Order.
  • Click the Search Email button () to view the emails to and/or from the vendor selected, searching for the email address on the General tab. You must have the Message Tracking Setup in System Manager completed to use this function.
  • Attachments

Line Items

Use the Append button () to add line items to the transaction.

Use the Re-sequence button on the menu bar to reset the line sequence numbers if you've dragged the item lines into a different order.

Use the Toggle button () to switch between grid and field views.

If the SO business rule to Use Contract Pricing is set to 'Yes', the pricing engine will use the contract pricing values for the customer or item/location, if available.